And the boy had a good time. Laughed the loudest. He did go a bit overboard on the junk front. Asked for a Fanta/Coke and I didn't refuse it this time. I loved Tenacious D's "Baby One More Time" version when compared to the original.
My experiences on being a father and beyond…The boy is growing up so fast, I wanted a medium to note down the memorable moments.
Flipkart Search
Friday, March 29, 2024
Sunday, March 24, 2024
Back from the trip
The boy had a fabulous time and he didn't miss home. Lack of sleep was evident as they used to stay up and chat. 6 Tigers, 4 Leopards etc. were his sights. The moment I heard 6 Tigers, I was super jealous. He has come back with a cough and cold.
Thursday, March 21, 2024
School Trip
So yesterday we dropped the boy for his Pench school trip. 5 am flight to Nagpur and a bus from there. Some 40 children from his Grade. This is the first time he has been away from us (sleepover in neighbor's apartment does not count :)) It was a bit surreal and mixed emotions. Watching him walk away with a backpack and trolley suitcase to board his flight. The scene may happen again and who knows he may go away for higher studies once school is done. I think it was a good emotional drill :) He will be back on Saturday night. The house feels quiet. There is a some relief that I have a kind of routine back, but yeah I miss him.