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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Dr S visit and Vaccination

To be on the safer side we decided to get the boy checked by Dr S for his ear pain in the night. 

Dr S examined his ears and found it clean. He thinks it could be because of some imbalance and suggested steaming once or twice a week and asked the boy to practice pranayam daily.

I had some questions on the above Immunization Timetable that the Dr had and that is when he suggested the Meningococcal Vaccination to prevent Meningitidis. The boy got a shot effective against some or all of the following types of meningococcus - A, C, W-135, and Y. He was anyway due for a shot next year. Initially he was hesitant but the Dr gently coaxed him and the boy was surprised when it got done quickly.

After that we visited my mother for lunch and the boy had his share of  TV (Grizzy & the Lemmings serial), laughing loudly as usual. It did not bother him that it was in Tamil :-)

Friday, July 30, 2021

Eating out

After a long long time. It was not on the cards.

But when the wife went out with her friends for lunch, the boy was upset that he didn't get to eat from a restaurant. So I took him out for lunch and the boy ate his favorite Pizza. He was so full that he did not want dessert.

Waiting for his Margherita Pizza

Sunday, July 18, 2021


In the ground started again at Turf Park, 10 am to 11.30 am It was good to have the boy out and in the ground. They had stopped on 22/April after the 2nd Wave. 

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Visit to Ta/Sk home

One of the boy's close friend in the apartment moved to a new home last month. The boy was disappointed as Ta was his cycling and play mate. Sk is her brother.

All their friends in our apartment complex were invited to their new home for lunch and the boy was thrilled. Nice lunch, lot of playing and chatting.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Ear Pain and Screen time

The boy woke up with ear pain. The wife gave him Crocin, told him jokes to make him laugh. That did work for a while. Around 430, he said he could not sleep and went to the front room to read. A little later I went to check on him and I found him playing on my spare phone :) 

Moral of the story - password protect your digital devices.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Another year older

The boy was so excited that he woke up at 530 am thinking it was morning. He could hardly sleep. After lying down quietly for some time, then chatting for some time, he finally woke up at 630 am. Milk, reading and he couldn't wait to open his gifts. He had told "books" to whoever asked him what gift he wanted for his birthday. Below is what he got.

Star Wars is his latest craze and Lego is one of his favorite pastimes. His joy knew no bounds when he got the below.

Even more thrilled, when he got this Lightsaber!

He got a Carrom board. Yet to handover the below Chess set to him. Ah beat him in Chess and he was determined to practice and win.

There was a get together at home planned with 4 other children from the apartment during the weekend.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Grade 3

And the boy is into Grade 3.

Online classes continue. Login to Zoom by 830 am and by 12 pm he is done.