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Sunday, January 31, 2021

Breakfast get-together

Some of the families in the apartment went for a breakfast at Prestige Golfshire.

It was good to be out and for a change, not to make and eat your own breakfast. We ate leisurely, chatted, the children after eating their fill, ran around and had fun. Thankfully when it comes to wearing masks and maintaining social distancing we are all on the same wavelength, including the children.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Get Togethers and Republic Day

It was time for get togethers. Since last March, all the meetings have been virtual. With the slow unlocking and apartments relaxing rules, we decided to meet with the wife's extended family who lived 20 minutes away last weekend. Wonderful dinner, lot of talking while the boy watched his favorite Just Add Magic. All grown ups and nobody in his age group to play with.

I watched my cousin's wedding being streamed live. Because of Covid and my back problem, I did not want to risk driving to Kerala to attend it in person.

It was Republic Day and there were events in the apartment with masks and social distancing. The boy participated in some games and was thrilled he won. After that we went with the ABAA family for lunch at nearby Wanderers.

The boy in action (in green)

It was then time to drive all the way across town to meet the wife's cousin and her 5 month old daughter at Alchemy Coffee Roasters. The boy was not interested in babies. The coffee was good. We chatted, dropped them home and drove back.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Lunch visit and a Dog

Pongal is a harvest festival in Tamilnadu and when a Tambrahm family invites you for lunch, you are in for a feast. So off we went to Whitefield for a sumptuous lunch. We are meeting with the VVS family after ages and the boy quickly warmed upto S (exactly 1 year older than the boy). Post lunch, The Croods was playing and the boy was reluctant to leave till it got over. Once that and after an awesome filter coffee we bid farewell.

The next day, A (of the AA couple) dropped in after lunch, we had to drop her back home and the boy also tagged along. The AA couple is one of the boy's favorite. They had adopted a dog - a cute Terrier Mix. The boy does not hate or love dogs. He gets along with them as long as they don't lick him. He did not go inside their home, reluctantly petted her at the door and off we came back. Miss those days before the pandemic when we had the impromptu get togethers.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Training complete?

For the first time the boy washed up on his own yesterday after potty. 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Family Visit and a new Series

My mother came down to meet us and we all went (including the reluctant boy) to meet my uncle who was suffering from muscle paralysis. The boy sat quietly in a corner with his mask on and made minimal conversation. He just wanted to be out of there. All older and nobody of his age.

Once back home, after lunch he quickly got back to this new series which he has been hooked to - Just Add Magic 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Happy(?) New Year

On the bright side, we were alive, not infected and had means of livelihood. 

It was a quiet New Year where we watched a movie at ABAA's home - Maleficent 2. At midnight we wished each other, finished the movie came down to our apartment.

Sunday was again football class for the boy. I took this time of nearly 1.5 hours to walk around the field.