Flipkart Search

Sunday, October 25, 2020


The boy came along too. The presence of Aa and Ah was encouraging enough

It was 2 km one way and steep towards the end. He made it to almost 98% of it. At the end, the hot puris for breakfast made him happy.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Secret Seven

We were not sure if the boy was ready for this. Among the large number of Bad Boys and Magic Tree books that we picked up from Blossoms this time, we also picked a Secret Seven and a Dragon Masters (Tracey West)

The boy read the Secret Seven slowly but loved it. More than him I loved it! Took me back to my school days when I read them - along with Famous Five, Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, The 3 Investigators - whatever investigative/mystery books that I could read.

New Watch

Many times, the boy has asked for this in the past. We told him it is not time yet. And now, since his playing time in the evenings are getting extended (he claims he does not know what time it is), we thought it is about time since we got him one.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The "bro" code

"See you bro, my mother is calling" the boy replied to some one on the phone. 

All of 7 years old. Talk about the effects of hanging out with older children!

Thursday, October 1, 2020

The "big" boys

So the boy has started hanging out with the big boys - playing cricket whenever he can. Morning after school classes he rushes off to play. On the days of no Football class, as soon as the waiting period after lunch is done, he zooms off. He is happy and proud that the "big" boys let him play with them. 

His current age groups friends, especially Kv is not too happy about it.