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Sunday, December 27, 2020


A road trip to Chennai to meet the in-laws and friends. The boy enjoys these trips as he has no rules at in-laws. 

We went out for lunch and he took his time to eat and explore the place. 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Potions :)

Effect of reading Harry Potter, Covid and the obsession with sanitizers.

Presenting the home made recipe from the boy for making sanitizer.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


 And the boy has started emailing his classmates - one who stays in the 7th floor in the same building(!) and another friend who is outside the country

Friday, December 4, 2020

Key passages from Grit - Useful insights for parenting

The following passages from Grit: Why passion and resilience are the secrets to success by Angela Duckworth 

Sometimes, when I talk to anxious parents, I get the impression they’ve misunderstood what I mean by grit. I tell them that half of grit is perseverance—in response, I get appreciative head nods—but I also tell them that nobody works doggedly on something they don’t find intrinsically interesting. Here, heads often stop nodding and, instead, cock to the side.

“Just because you love something doesn’t mean you’ll be great,” says self-proclaimed Tiger Mom Amy Chua. “Not if you don’t work. Most people stink at the things they love.” I couldn’t agree more. Even in the development of your interests, there is work—practicing, studying, learning —to be done. Still, my point is that most people stink even more at what they don’t love.

So, parents, parents-to-be, and non-parents of all ages, I have a message for you: Before hard work comes play. Before those who’ve yet to fix on a passion are ready to spend hours a day diligently honing skills, they must goof around, triggering and retriggering interest. Of course, developing an interest requires time and energy, and yes, some discipline and sacrifice.

But at this earliest stage, novices aren’t obsessed with getting better. They’re not thinking years and years into the future. They don’t know what their top-level, life-orienting goal will be. More than anything else, they’re having fun.

In other words, even the most accomplished of experts start out as unserious beginners.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


And the boy is no longer sleeping alone. The wife keeps the fan at a blast and goes under the blankets. I am not comfortable with that mode of sleeping. Therefore I have moved to the boy's bedroom and sleeping next to him.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Trevor Noah Biography

I recently had the opportunity to read Born A Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood by Trevor Noah.

The following passage where his mother gives an advice struck a chord. In our current times, where children have the rights to complain against their parents/teachers for giving them a tough time, this one shows a different perspective. I was brought up with the below thought process and I believe it makes you stronger.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Back to the ground

The boy's football class on the ground was restarted today after the State Government started opening up. Not many children turned up but it was good to be on the ground. All the children had a sizable virtual square in which they had to stay and do all the practicing.

Sunday, October 25, 2020


The boy came along too. The presence of Aa and Ah was encouraging enough

It was 2 km one way and steep towards the end. He made it to almost 98% of it. At the end, the hot puris for breakfast made him happy.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Secret Seven

We were not sure if the boy was ready for this. Among the large number of Bad Boys and Magic Tree books that we picked up from Blossoms this time, we also picked a Secret Seven and a Dragon Masters (Tracey West)

The boy read the Secret Seven slowly but loved it. More than him I loved it! Took me back to my school days when I read them - along with Famous Five, Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, The 3 Investigators - whatever investigative/mystery books that I could read.

New Watch

Many times, the boy has asked for this in the past. We told him it is not time yet. And now, since his playing time in the evenings are getting extended (he claims he does not know what time it is), we thought it is about time since we got him one.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The "bro" code

"See you bro, my mother is calling" the boy replied to some one on the phone. 

All of 7 years old. Talk about the effects of hanging out with older children!

Thursday, October 1, 2020

The "big" boys

So the boy has started hanging out with the big boys - playing cricket whenever he can. Morning after school classes he rushes off to play. On the days of no Football class, as soon as the waiting period after lunch is done, he zooms off. He is happy and proud that the "big" boys let him play with them. 

His current age groups friends, especially Kv is not too happy about it.

Friday, September 25, 2020

8th tooth and Rambo Circus

It fell on Friday as the boy was in front of the laptop watching the Rambo Circus online

Rambo Circus. I remember seeing my first circus when I was a child. I was in awe, especially the trapeze artists and the animals that could do tricks. No more animals now. The boy enjoyed the show, especially the clowns and the lady with the hoopla rings.

Please do support the Rambo Circus by buying an online ticket.

Rambo circus is India's biggest live circus. However, the pandemic has affected the circus and its artist. In an attempt to support the artists, Swaradhar is bringing the circus to your screens. By purchasing a ticket you can support the circus directly.

Enjoy India's first virtual circus. To book your tickets click on https://bit.ly/31Bs6Ja

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Climbing over the railing

We have a balcony with a railing.

All these days the boy used to stand and peer out. He was small to cross it. On some days he used to put his leg between the railing and get a lift up. Whenever he wants to cross, the wife or I had to give him a leg up and get him over it.

Finally he has become so tall that he managed to climb, swing his leg over and cross it.

Sunday, August 9, 2020


 When did I have access to a laptop? A good 6 years after I started working. 

And the boy? In Grade 2. Well versed with Zoom, knows how to Annotate, want to set a virtual background, loves Ninjago (started watching the series seriously this year) and a lot of reading using Raz-kids and British Council Library online.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020


And the boy has started sleeping on his own since last night in the second bedroom. It had to do with peer pressure (his friend Kv started) and the fact that he was not happy when I told him that I will board up pillows on both his sides if he is sleeping in our current bedroom. He is all over the place and literally pushes the wife off the bed.

So far it has been ok, although he is taking time to fall asleep. I miss him sleeping with his hand across me, snuggling for warmth and the kiss on my cheeks. The boy sometimes asks me to sleep next to him and I do it till he falls asleep.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

First cake

So the boy has baked his first cake. He checked the book for recipes and did most of the work with a little help from the wife for measuring.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


In his previous school, because of limitations, Hindi was not taught well. 

That showed now as the boy was not confident and resisted learning it. At one time he said he hated it. The wife had a talk with his class coordinator and things have improved now.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Birthday get together

A get together at home with his close friends, games, snacks and a cake.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Birthday and online classes

What a day for the boy to start his online classes - on his birthday.

He was thrilled. The morning started with decorations outside his door with cards from his friends.

The classes started well with him taking some time to warm up. Reluctant initially but loved it at the end.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Online classes orientation

The boy's online classes are set to start.

It started with an orientation.

2 Classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of 30 minutes each with a break and optional classes on Tuesday and Thursday.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Ice Age

Introduced him to Ice Age 1 and he was laughing non stop! The current plan is to watch the Ice Age Series every Sunday.

Sunday, May 3, 2020


What the boy has been upto in this lockdown?

  • Lot of reading
  • Learnt to microwave papad
  • Tie shoelaces and shorts/pants strings
  • Improved badminton
  • Peeling vegetables
  • Warming the milk by himself in the microwave
  • Cleaning the floor
  • Figured how to use the laptop
  • Learnt about Zoom and his Football skills has improved
  • Built a self laptop with cardboard
  • Created many self decorated birthday cards
  • Understood the seriousness of Covid has not complained of not being able to go out
  • 30 min of screen time

Saturday, May 2, 2020


The boy has learnt how to Google on the laptop. His first search - "Easy drawing with glitter decoration".

Saturday, April 25, 2020


And the boy has made a mock Laptop with cardboard.
 Used to order online from Big Basket, Healthy Buddha etc...

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Lockdown time

The abrupt lock down means that a lot of time spent at home. It is hard to keep the boy indoors so we have given him 1 hour of time outside everyday. He can choose the slots. During this time he moved up to the bigger cycle. Eagerly waiting for the lockdown to lift so that he can buy the bigger cycle.


A lot of arts and crafts, writing and reading. There are also read aloud books.

Art and crafts

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Kitchen helper

The boy has started helping out in the kitchen. He was asking for things to do in the kitchen today.

Helping with kneading the Chapati dough

Sunday, February 2, 2020


The boy has taken an interest in cleaning, specially dust cleaning the floor. A highly recommended skill I would say. The more they do things around home, the better it is for them.

Sunday, January 26, 2020


The boy had been to a birthday party today, and there was a caricature artist. He sat patiently and the artist was close! The boy told him he loved football.

Happy Republic Day!

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Happy Pongal!

From the Rangoli competition the boy and I participated in.

The boy's practice for the competition.
And his top 2 molar teeth have come out. The boy is relieved. It was uncomfortable and he kept constantly opening and stretching his mouth.