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Saturday, December 28, 2019

Another trip

A quick drive to Chennai and back to meet up with the wife's friend and her daughter. The children loved the beach!

Thursday, December 26, 2019


The boy woke up at 6 and started hunting in the living room for his gift from Santa. I told him Santa may be on the way and he reluctantly went back to sleep. Later the wife discreetly placed the gift in the balcony and he was thrilled.

He had decorated the Xmas tree, written a letter to Santa and ensured the star was hung out.

The boy went indoor rock climbing and did well for a first timer.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Monday, December 2, 2019


We went on a 5 family trip to Bandipur and the presence of other children kept the boy busy. He accompanied us to 2 safaris - one was super cold and the other one rained out. Good number of sightings. He had an opportunity to use his binoculars and one of his lower tooth which was shaking, came off.