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Wednesday, July 10, 2019


And the boy started getting some homework. He is very happy to do it.

Skating on Monday and Karate classes on Wednesday have started in school.

Monday, July 8, 2019


The boy turned 6. He wanted a Lego themed birthday. The wife set to work. Decorations, caterer, return gifts, cake, all the bells and whistles.

The children had a good time. A lot of adults did not turn up and we ended up eating left over food the whole of Sunday :-) We had planned for 15 children and an equal or more number of adults.

The boy was happy. He excitedly opened all his gifts. The next day morning he didn't go for his football class and started building the Lego blocks.

The boy knew the Lego blocks are expensive so he was clearly told not to ask Lego blocks as gifts. Whoever asked him what he wanted for his birthday, he got around it by saying "I am fine with any gifts but my birthday theme is Lego blocks". Very subtle? As a result of that he got a number of Lego block set as gifts.

Ah came yesterday and told the boy to play with only the Lego set he gave as the rest were not good.

The boy gingerly asked Ah - "This Lego set would have cost you a lot"
Ah - "Don't worry, Mama paid for it"
The boy - "Oh! Then it is ok"

Friday, July 5, 2019