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Saturday, April 13, 2019

M3 Graduation

Today was Graduation Day for the boy. He has moved out from M3. Next is Grade 1.

Over the last 2 years his school has been his second home. Correction - first home more like I think.

He has evolved, created an identity of his own and whatever I could wish for a child at his age, the school has provided (except learning not to throw tantrums at home which can never be learnt).

As he was on the stage today receiving the certificate, the parents were applauding and taking photos, it sunk in that the boy is growing and that he will move out of his safe cocoon of VNM which gave him an opportunity to be himself, know his strengths and grow.

I can't thank his teachers, the support staff, his classmates and the other parents enough for this wonderful 2 years.

And as I was folding away his uniform I realized that he will not be wearing this anymore.
There will be no having milk at 7 am followed by bath, rushing to gate at 745, waiting for Pasha to pick and drop him.
There will no observation sessions in school.
There will be no updates on Uolo notes and the eager wait to see the pictures from their events.
There will be no report card uploaded.
There will be no thrill of seeing the boy with his small wins - the first addition, subtraction, multiplication and the whole thing about fractions.
There will be no presentations, cultural day at school, music sessions with Ivan Sir.

Not at VNM anymore.

In another 2 months, it will be another school and a different environment. I believe the boy will adapt well.

I am already missing VNM.

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