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Saturday, November 24, 2018

Spelling numbers

"I know how to spell numbers!", the boy announced.
"1 is One"
"2 is Two"
"6 is Sex"

"No no no!" I wanted to scream but then firmly said that is not how 6 is pronounced.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Letter to Santa

The boy says he has been behaving well and wants a Nerf Gun :-)

Thursday, November 8, 2018


This time around, the boy was clear that he wanted sparklers, flower pots and chakras.

Unlike last year, he lighted them on his own and also managed to burn his hand when he picked up a burnt sparkler.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Sports Day and Football

The boy participated in the Sports Day in the apartment and came first in the potato race. He was thrilled.

He had threatened to give up on football and yesterday was the last class. Did a u-turn and said he wants to continue. I will know next weekend. The boy also wants to learn singing.

He has started to go to Ah's house on his own. The rule is not to stop anywhere, not to talk anyone and immediately call on the intercom when he gets there.

He has finally moved away from sipper water bottle. No more plastic ones. VIVA h2o Stainless Steel Trendy Water Bottle For Kids is what he uses now.