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Monday, October 22, 2018

Hyderabad trip and lost tooth

The boy had a good time in Hyderabad with IIR and DS last weekend. Played in the pool, ran around, bit of TV, ate decently, fought/became jealous with Ia and some tantrums. At the end of it he did not want to come back to Blr.

After a gap of 2 weeks he went to school yesterday and lost his first tooth. The already chipped tooth had started shaking in the morning and by his bed time it was out. The boy was shocked by the blood and all and with his strong belief in the tooth fairy, he kept it under the pillow. The wife replaced it with a 5 Rs coin (closest in resemblance to a gold coin).
Today morning he got up quickly and was thrilled to find the coin. Whoever he met, he told them about the tooth and the coin.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Fever and the old bicycle

The boy is down with fever.

There was a birthday party yesterday and although he fervently prayed to God to make him alright to attend it, he was not in a state for it. To make him happy we ordered a McD Happy Meal but the boy had only 2 bites of the burger. Football got cancelled and he didn't go to school today. Dr S has recommended Crocin and to bring him in if the fever does not subside.

His old bicycle was sold on OLX yesterday. I brought down the price when a school teacher wanted it for his 3 year old daughter but couldn't afford the price. Last night at 10, he came on his motorcycle, tied the cycle at the back and left. I was worried for his safety. Pinged him and he got home with no trouble. His daughter was very happy, he was thrilled that she was happy and I was relieved.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Small Foot

We went to see this movie last night.
I loved it - the animation, the story, the characters and the message it conveyed.
The boy had a good laugh and surprisingly, understood the message about telling the truth.
A highly recommended watch.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


We have a small play area in the apartment.

Ever since the boy discovered the joys of outdoors and the play area became his go to place (after Ah's house), one of us have always accompanied him.

With him learning to cycle without the training wheels, it became hard to keep up with him.

Today for the first time, he went out on his own on the cycle and came back. I think the days of chaperoning are behind. It also points to how fast they grow up.

Today he said the 4 letter word and said he made it up. I hope he is telling the truth. We told him it is a bad word and not to use it.