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Saturday, August 25, 2018

Cycling on his own

The boy has learnt to start and ride the cycle on his own with no training wheels.

Initially he was able to balance after 4-5 sessions but could not start on his own. Later he learnt that too.

Friday, August 17, 2018

School timing fantasies

The boy - "I wish there was school everyday, but only from 830 to 1130 and not till 130. That way it will be equal on Saturdays and Sundays also and I will not be bored on weekends"

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Orphanage and piggy bank

"Where are you going tomorrow? It's Independence Day and a holiday."
"I am going to an orphanage."
"What is that?"
"It is a place where there are children who don't have nice clothes to wear, pencil, eraser, books and such things which you have. Some of us are helping by giving them money to buy things."
"How much money are you giving?"
"X rupees"
The boy thought, and after a while "Could I give some money from my piggy bank?"
My heart melted.

It also reinforces my thought that our children learn from our actions.
They observe. A lot.
You may not notice.
One big sponge they are that soaks up things.
Put out the good things and they will soak that up.

Monday, August 13, 2018


On Friday, the boy had his passport renewal. That went off peacefully.

The boy started on his football trial class and he is super excited and wants to take it up. Every Saturday and Sunday mornings.

He has learnt to take the potty seat, put it on the WC and do it on his own. 

Monday, August 6, 2018


The boy's cycling lessons have started without any training wheels. Thanks to Ah, he got a cycle with stand.
He has moved to being able to go for a couple of seconds without help.
The challenge is the practice tskes place only when I am around. That is mostly weekends.