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Friday, June 29, 2018


The boy's school opened last Monday and he moves to M3.

There was confusion about the transport and at the last minute, I had to go and drop him. This continued for the whole week as they were finalizing the vendor. Some advance notification and better planning would have helped. For some strange reason the boy wanted to wear shorts everyday.

He also got a bigger hand-me-down Firefox cycle from Ah.

House house

Actual conversation of the boy playing House House with one of his friends(a girl)

Girl: (Pretend calls the boy on the phone) "Hello? Come home fast. The baby is crying and wants to see you" 
The boy: "What? I can't come now. I am fighting the demons."
Girl: "But the baby..."
The boy: "Demons are more important. Ok fine, I'll come and make the baby into superman then he can help me."
Girl: "OK" (Continues playing House House)

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

UK Trip

The boy had a 1 month trip to UK.

While the wife and the boy went first, I joined them after 3 weeks and we flew back together.

I was apprehensive but he handled himself well. No major tantrums, walked a lot, overcame the fear of doing new things to a certain extent and got used to the idea of having dogs around. Food was bit of a challenge as he did not like the cheese in that country.

His aunt spoiled him and his toy collection increased. We also did a 10 day road trip and the boy behaved well. He also navigated a bit. At 2 places he got a medal and he was thrilled.

Overall a wonderful trip.
Taking a walk at Lands End