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Saturday, April 7, 2018


One of the things I do not approve of is when people eat their food in front of TV.

Which is more important? Where is your respect for food? And mindless eating.

The boy at his age is like a sponge, soaking up everything - what we say, what we do.

So when I got into an argument with the wife for eating in front of the TV, the boy coolly said "Achan, ignore Amma". I was impressed with the boy's attitude of letting go.

A talk with him later in the day...

The boy - "Whom will I marry when I become big?"
I - "Why do you need to marry? "
The boy - "Then only I will have children."
I - "Why do you need to have children? Can you handle their crying? You cannot handle your own crying..."
The boy - "If he cries, I will shift the house without him"
I - "Good idea! We will do the same thing the next time you cry"
The boy - "Nooo...katti I won't be your friend!"

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