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Friday, March 30, 2018

Read, add, snap and religion

The boy can read words now with phonetic sounds and count. Randomly he asks me the sum of 2 numbers and keeps compounding them.

There has been a questioning spree related to religion. I dread answering them but the wife is good at it. "Why is Jesus father not a God but Ganesha's father is a God?"

"I am smart", tapping his forehead is something that he repeats often.

He has learned to snap his fingers.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Water Day

Today is Water Day.

The boy insisted on wearing blue t-shirt when we had no information from school - no email or on the app.

But the boy was adamant that they had to be in blue colors.

"You are not the one going to school, I am! I know that we have to wear blue today. You don't know anything."

He turned out to be right.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Holi and class photo

The boy had Holi celebrations in school and came back happy smeared with color.

"Let's leave India. There is so much traffic." the boy told me as I was getting him ready for school. I was amused.  It was the day of his class photo. He diligently combing his hair, made sure it covered his forehead neatly.

He has not been using the cycle much ever since the training wheels were removed. I was hoping he will learn but he seems to be in the comfort zone of using his scooter.