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Sunday, February 18, 2018

Annual day and marriage

The boy had his annual day at Chowdiah Memorial Hall last Friday. He participated in a skit dressed up as a kangaroo. He looked confident on stage and did not miss his steps. Post that we went to this Sattvam for dinner. Lovely place and what a spread.

"I got 2 and 3 stars from teacher for 2 books I wrote today. You know how I was able to write more? Because I have bigger muscles now" the boy said pointing to his muscles. It has become a common practice for him to ask us to check his muscles after each meal.

The boy has become a big questioner. He has questions about everything and followup questions to the answers. It is a good phase but sometimes it can get exhausting and you wish he would keep quiet. At the same time you don't want to shush him lest he stops questioning.

Another haircut done and his hair is growing very fast.

He dentified "Shape Of You" from the opening score. I am impressed.

We went to Café Myodo for lunch and it was the second time the boy ordered spaghetti pasta and did not finish it. We managed to eat a lot of it and the rest we  packed.

The boy has started asking questions about whom he can marry!