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Monday, January 29, 2018

Family wedding and the aunt arrives

"When I grow big, I can do anything. You people will be old!", the boy proclaimed.

Hennessey Venom is his new craze because his teacher at school told him that it is faster than a Bugatti Veyron. The boy has been saving money in his piggy bank to buy a Bugatti. Now with this new information, he wondered how much more he has to save :)

We did a road trip to hometown to attend a family wedding. The boy's aunt was also visiting and he was so excited to see her.  I suspect it had to do more with the gifts she had brought. It was a good family get together.  He didn't eat much at the wedding. I loved the wedding lunch.

He has learnt to brush his teeth on his own.

Talk about the love for his mentor and guide Ah. There was a funny incident when he refused to get up in the morning citing his leg was paining. The moment he heard Ah  had called he jumped out of the bed, brushed his teeth, drank milk and asked me to drop him in Ah's house. No pain, all gain.

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