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Friday, November 17, 2017

LKG Term 1 - Report Card

And the boy's Term 1 Report  had the following to say :-

Montessori Work Record :
"He looks forward to working with the EPL material. He has worked with stringing beads, pouring of grains, which has helped him develop fine and gross motor skills, hand eye co-ordination and working within limits.He likes working with sensorial material like brown stairs, pink tower, cylinder blocks which has helped him develop his pencil grip. Working with Sensorial material has also helped him understand the concept of long and short, thick and thin and dimensions.He has a clear understanding of numbers and quantities. Working with materials like cards and counters and spindle box has helped him in recognising the numbers and associating the numbers with quantities.He has started working with the language material. Working with vowel centre boxes has helped him recognise the first and the last sound to form three letter words and to associate with the respective picture cards."

Academic Report :
"He enjoys colouring different pictures and worksheets related to the theme. He looks forward to the story sessions and comes forward asking questions about the stories read. He has a clear understanding of the concepts covered in class like day and night, hot and cold and few and many. He enjoys expressing himself through different mediums of art"

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