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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Of behavior and words

A lot of talk and some tantrums. And it has not been easy.

The boy is loving the school but insists on doing the revision/homework - which is a good thing. Except that we as parents, are not sure whether we are teaching him phonics right. We would rather let the teachers do that. That...the boy does not want.  He insists on learning at home.
The boy also had a small potty accident at school.

At home, he has stopped using the stool to stand to reach the bathroom sink. The boy is growing tall.

The talks continue. Some of them surprise me. Gen Alpha?
"Have some patience, OK?"
"Put both your hands on the steering wheel please when you drive"
"I forgot what I did in school yesterday. You should have asked me yesterday. When I grow older, may be 8, I will remember" in response to my question of how was school yesterday.
"When you do something, you should always think", this came up suddenly when he was sitting on the potty seat.
"Should I reduce the volume of the fan instead of speed?" when his grandmother remarked that the fan was loud.
"I saw 4 Mercedes, if I see 2 more that would be good"
"If I say please you should agree!"

The boy's tantrums are strange. One was against me eating lunch. He just didn't want me to eat lunch and went on crying. Another one was for drinking water from the bottle, he wanted me to fill it immediately.

He is a bad loser. Game has to be played according to his rules.

Not sure where he picked up the latest habit from - every sentence is started with a heavy breath. The kind of breath that the people who have wheezing take?

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