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Saturday, July 22, 2017

Amazing Zone

My brother's family is in town and we had a get together. With 3 children, there was a lot of chatter and let's do this and that. We ended up going to this newly opened place called Amazing Zone in Hosur. Decent and there were many excited children and adults around.
The boy had his share of games and loved the bumper cars!

Friday, July 14, 2017


And the boy has not gone to school today and yesterday.

It started with a cough and in the night, the fever developed. The boy says except his butt, everything else is paining. Thankfully he has an appetite. The wife took the day off yesterday and today is my turn. Last night we gave him Crocin, he no longer has a fever and is much better today.

Yesterday he threw a tantrum asking me not to go to work and today the tantrum was asking the wife not to go to work.

"Do you want to a digestive biscuit?", I asked
"Let me think" - the boy
"There is nothing to think, you have not eaten anything since morning"
"BUT I STILL NEED TO THINK!... Ok, give me dosa"

His birthday gifts are keeping him busy for now.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

The boy turned 4!

The birthday party went well thanks to the wife who printed the invitations, ordered  food, booked the communication hall and got everything ready. I took the day off and once we picked up the cake and food, made 3 trips to the community hall in the top floor to get everything ready. There were around 15 children, mostly from the apartment and some from the boy's old school.
When Ah started playing with the boy's friends he got upset (talk about being J!) and threw a tantrum.

The concept of return gifts - I wish the whole materialistic gifting would stop. We are just adding more clutter to the world.

The neighbors surprised us in the morning

The stage is set

The boy's train cake