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Monday, June 26, 2017


The boy has been slowly settling into a routine. Wake up at 7, milk and biscuits, get ready, cycle to the gate, get into the van (after telling he does not want to school, asking me to follow him in my car many times), back home around lunch time, lunch, play, early dinner and in bed by 8.

Some days  are cheerful and some days are...well.

Nevertheless he loves school and has been slowly making new friends. The wife packs him 2 snacks. We have stopped his afternoon nap so that he can sleep early. I don't get to see him much nowadays, only during the weekend.

He has developed a keen eye for spotting the Maruti Vitara Brezza and in his words "I am a good at expert it!"

Ambulance is still a challenge to pronounce - "Ambulams" and recently he said "cerfi ticket" instead of certificate

For some reason he wanted our car decorated for his wedding and he was very upset that when we got married, we decorated our car and he was not around!

He has been slowly adding 1 Rs coins to his piggy bank and that has also give us parents blackmailing power - any tantrums / bad behavior, 1 Rs is taken out of that.

The boy's birthday is coming up and he has already started going around telling the parents in the apartment complex what he wants. 

Friday, June 9, 2017

First plant

The boy planted  the seeds, was very excited to see the plants emerge and​ waters it everyday.
A return gift​ from a birthday party.

Monday, June 5, 2017

First day at school!

The boy was excited! More so when he found that he will be eventually going to school in the school van. I guess he felt that it puts him in the league of big children - Aa and Ah.

He proudly showed his new uniform to whoever he met in the apartment complex before we boarded the car.

The initial days (6-7) were warm up days of one duration each for the boy to get used to the school, the teachers and the children. Everything was new for him.

On the first day, he played, painted but wanted the wife around. There was some sobbing. After the school, I dropped them back at the wife's office and went to work.

The children have to hang the school bags on this wall.

The next day the parents could only stay for 10 minutes and had to pick up the boy at 1030. This time there was some crying but he quietened down later. After school, the boy went with the wife to her office.

The 3rd day the crying started before entering the school but he settled down later.

On Friday, he was normal. The boy sprained his right leg at a birthday party and it did look serious. There was no swelling or redness but he was in pain, especially in the night. We took him to Dr S who advised to rest it and if necessary put on a crepe bandage.