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Friday, March 24, 2017

Good bye Shemrock

It is time to retire the above uniform.

2 years of wearing it. The boy had fun, he started talking more once he started going to school. The Teachers, Aunties and Rishi are such a helpful lot - the interests of the children came first.

Today was the boy's official last day at the school. And finally he got the Star of the month award. He was so thrilled that he had it pinned on for a long time even after coming home.

The boy continues to go there for his day care and summer camp. We will miss the school and its friendly staff.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

More school visits

"First of all, why should I talk to you? I don't want to talk to you!"  The boy told me after being reprimanded for I don't remember what.

The boy has learnt to get off the potty seat on his own.

He had his observation session at The Earth Montessori. Surprisingly he stuck to the wife, did not mingle much with the children and did not want to play in their play area. We were told that they will get back to us. I did not very high hopes considering how anti social the boy was.

One of the challenges we have with The Earth Montessori is that they recommend zero screen time for atleast 3 years. Well, we can enforce that at home. But what about when the boy goes to Aa/Ah home or outside? How do prevent him from watching TV in a public place? They also did not have transport which was a major concern as that would mean we (mainly the wife) have to drop and pick him up. One good thing that the boy loved about the school was that they did not have a uniform.

As a back up the wife checked out the Vidyaniketan Montessori in the vicinity. The boy loved the place, talked to the teachers and played in the play area. Collected the fees and other details (they have transport and uniform) and we were asked to get back by Monday.

Monday, March 20, 2017

School interview at The Earth Montessori

The Uno game is his new found love. Apart from the Uno cards he has also learnt it to play with the regular cards.

We also had a parent interview at The Earth Montessori school on Friday. We were asked questions about us, the boy, his routine, what is our expectation from the school and their expectation of us. They will call us again for a child observation session.

The boy had an ear infection and the wife took him to Dr S. It was bad and he had no other option but to recommend antibiotics for 5 days. The boy was better after the first dose. Made him very sleepy though.

Birthday party over the weekend in our apartment. The boy was angling for the birthday cake which he got it at dinner time. He still has a fascination for the balloons.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Office visit and writing

The Uber strike was over, the boy and wife came to my office premises last Friday. Dinner in the food court and the boy had a good time running around. He is on the stage below but hardly visible.

Writing by the boy, he loves the number 8.

Thursday, March 9, 2017


The month started and suddenly the boy has started used "Venda" instead of saying No. He no longer needs a straw to drink his milk - drinks it directly from the glass. Which is good, no plastic and the BBMP has started to enforce the straw ban.

The boy wanted to come to my office last Friday. He didn't and he had an explanation. "The Ola and Uber drivers are fighting because they want more money. There was a strike. That is why we didn't come."

There was a get together and his excitement knew no bounds when Ah and Aa landed up too. "I am eating Pokcorn!" "I am drinking beer!(when he was drinking apple juice)"

Over the weekend he jammed his fingers in the door when it was closing. Luckily no broken bones. Lot of crying though.

Come middle of the week and he proclaimed "Amma tomorrow no...I am bunking school!"