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Monday, January 30, 2017

Habits, more talk and his first reading session

The boy has developed this habit of pulling at his lip with his nails. It has become so bad that his lip has cuts and it is discolored. And he gets very irritated if I ask him not to do it "What is your problem?" I feel like "whack!" but refrained. At one point he cried so much during a tantrum that he threw up.

The boy had his haircut and is becoming a bangalorean - "Look at the traffic. It is terrible!"

He also had this to say about girls in a conversation with the wife.

"If you go behind a girl, you will become a girl" 
"Who told you that?" 
"Kavitha madam"
"That is not true"
"No way. I am telling you if you go behind a girl you will become a girl"
"Don't laugh at me. It's not funny"

The boy got a set of Monopoly and Snakes & Ladders and has taken a love to Monopoly.

Because of a Peppa Pig episode at 8 am, he wakes up early, and is ready by that time. 

He also attended a reading of Peppa Pig at Atta Galatta on Saturday. The boy was a little hesitant to sit with the other children initially. He settled down, enjoyed the reading, answered the questions and cheered for others. He even came home and asked us this - "Amma, who works harder, you or Acha?" 

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