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Monday, October 17, 2016

Eventful week

Dandiya night on Tuesday in the apartment complex. The boy did not want to go. But when he saw the other children and the ice cream truck, he immediately wore a Kurta and went down.

Dinner was at Barbeque Nation on Wednesday. He ate a little of main course and was more interested in the dessert.

Woke up after Thursday nap after throwing a huge tantrum. We did not let him sleep on Friday afternoon. The boy went swimming and he was the only one in the pool.

Saturday was at The Riverside Bar & Kitchen with friends. When was he done eating we gave him crayons and he was mostly quiet.

Sunday was a trip to Hosur to meet the grandparents.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Another Metro ride

This time we decided to visit the Bal Bhavan in Cubbon Park. We took an auto rickshaw to the Metro and the boy was excited to be in the train. He had questions and after getting down, insisted on waiting till the train left the station.

Once in Cubbon Park, we realized the Bal Bhavan was closed on Mondays. We walked around, the boy was fascinated by a horse, and climbed up and down the rock formations.

The boy also ran after the squirrels. There were so many of them.

He also got the much needed haircut today. Some use of the clipper and mostly "cut cut" as he wanted.

Saturday, October 8, 2016


Not the boy's. Mine!

A landmark birthday as I officially enter the 40's club.  The boy was keen to cut the yummy cake baked by the wife. After his afternoon nap, he went straight for it. No lunch. I then took the boy outside to the park in the vicinity. Last time we were here, he was hesitant with the large number of children around. But this time, he was comfortable.

In the evening, the sweet couple AA dropped in and we went to Phobidden Fruit for dinner. Nice Vietnamese cuisine. Not very spicy. The boy started with some bits of Spring Rolls, Momos and finished with Noodles. Good ambience and a nice way to finish the day.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Play of words

"What is that blue car is named?" asked the boy pointing to the car in the front as we were driving.
"Alto", I replied.
"Ohhh..Alto is my favorite!" the boy replied.
"What is that black car is named?" pointing to the Mercedes next to the Alto.
"Benz" I replied.
"Benz is my favorite" the boy proclaimed immediately.
Talk about making up your mind!

On the way back, I waved my hand in exasperation at a motorcyclist who had taken an illegal turn.
"Why did you wave your hand?" the boy asked?
"Because he broke traffic rules" I replied.
"Breaking rules is yukky. I don't like him" replied the boy.

"S&it", I muttered
"Dont use that word, it is bad" the boy reminded me. Wow. I need to be careful.

"Amma... Amma...AMMA..." the boy calls out loudly
"What is it?" I ask. The wife was busy in the kitchen.
"I am not talking to you!", retorts the boy.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

School hunt continues

The boy's holidays started last Friday and it is hard to keep him occupied.

So after nearly ~13 years with the organization, I decided to move on and yesterday was my last day at work. I have some time before I take up the next assignment. Surprisingly the boy did not ask why I did not go to work. The only change is that now he wants to listen to a song first thing in the morning and one before going to sleep on my phone.

Today we went to check the Legacy School Bangalore. Nice school, campus and a good system of teaching. The fees are a killer and I wonder if this really is the cost of good education. At the same time I am thankful and privileged that I have an option to choose a school for the boy compared to some parents who cannot afford to send their children to school.

Saturday, October 1, 2016


Took the boy to the local temple for a short concert. Thankfully he did not throw a fuss.