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Monday, August 22, 2016

School hunt

We had the PTM on Saturday. The boy was shy to sit in front of his teacher. The feedback was that he has good socio-economic skills. 80% of the class want to be the friend of the boy. He needs to improve on recognition. He was quiet and well behaved at school came as a surprised because that is not the case at home!

It is time for school hunt. While we prefer the CBSE syllabus, we want a teaching system that would make it fun for the boy to learn. That rules out the regular schools. We checked out Foundation School once we were done with the PTM. Nice concept, lovely campus, lot of open space. They have only till Grade 7 now. I remember during my school days, I could feel the mud under my feet. Sadly, the schools nowadays pave the open spaces with artificial materials. Cement floor and concrete blocks are hard and cannot be the replacement for the softness of the natural ground. 

The boy has been having a cough for a couple of days. He refuses to drink warm water. Checked with Dr S and he suggested Dolo Dx - 4ml - twice a day. He is better after that.

The boy held an imaginary phone in his hand and started "Hello, I want to order pizza. I want garlic bread, this pizza and that pizza. Ok bye!"

Last night he insisted on sleeping at my side of bed (at the edge) and promptly slid off it during the night. We swapped places, his diaper leaked and he ended up wetting the bed.

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