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Sunday, July 31, 2016

“I am in a call”

Yesterday there was a bandh called because of a river water sharing scheme ruling not in favor of KA and we were stuck at home. I played with the boy in the morning, in the afternoon I slept briefly when he slept. He came and woke me up and I dozed off for some more time. There were rains in the evening and the boy wanted to eat poori and channa. No other option but to go to the nearby hotel and he wore his rain coat, ready to go. 
Back home, he closed the bed room door and proclaimed loudly “I am in a call”. I have done that before and the boy has picked it up!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Monday blues?

Today morning woke up to a cranky boy. What tantrum. Sigh. He wanted to sleep, didn’t want to go to school, no drinking milk, didn’t like me reading the paper, wanted the wife to carry him and in the middle of all this kept asking if we are proud of him and insisted on being proud of him. 

The wife was exhausted. I was mentally prepared to take the day off as WFH is no longer allowed. But then managed to drag the boy to school.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Finally, the birthday party

A birthday party, which, hopefully the boy will remember!

Snack boxes from Samosa Party (This was our breakfast, lunch dinner for the next day)

The snack boxes were the first to arrive. They were promptly delivered at 230 pm. 25 boxes and each of them were personally checked by the delivery boy. We were impressed. The challenge was now to transport them to Play Gym. We pulled out our travel bags and stacked the boxes in it.

Picture on boy's cake - He wanted Dora and Perrito

Next was the cake. We picked it up from French Loaf and that was ready on time too. We reached Play Gym 45 minutes before the party and started setting it up. Thanks to an electric balloon inflator, that work was taken care of. 

The Play Gym decorations

Next was to wait for the children - 7 to 8 with their parents in tow. The party timings were from 530 to 7. The first child came at 5 and the last one arrived at 715 :-) We extended the party by an hour. We were left with 6 snack boxes as some of the parents insisted on sharing a snack box.

The children had a good time and the boy enjoyed it too. 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

New cycle

It has been 2 weeks since the boy is down with hand-foot-and-mouth. His birthday party at PlayGym has been postponed twice. We again moved it to next weekend.

Still does not stop him from being cheeky.

"Silly", the boy said.
"WHAT?" I asked.
"I did not say anything. It’s a bug", the boy retorts.

The boy has been wanting a new cycle for a long time now and we felt it is time he progressed from a tricycle to a cycle. Yesterday we took him to a cycle store. He was excited! As we walked along the cycles, he was in awe and slowly tried each one before selecting a BSA Champ Star 14" cycle.

We got home and he took it out for a ride in the corridor. For some strange reason he is comfortable doing only a half pedal stroke. 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Still at home

This time the boy did not make a fuss when his grandparents left. They told him the previous day and looks like he understands.

The boy got another truck as a birthday gift - Maisto Fresh Metal Builder Zone Quarry Monster Yellow Dump Truck Motorized 6 Wheeler. Thanks to Aunty N. No batteries in this one. 

It has been nearly 2 weeks but the boy is still not free from the hand-foot-and-mouth disease. The scabs need to fall off as that is contagious too.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

House arrest

The boy is still stuck at home. Everyday, from the balcony door, he sees the children playing and want to join them. Ah and Aa have been strictly told not to come anywhere near the house. Despite that Ah comes to the balcony on some days in the evening and shouts for the boy. They have a long conversation - the boy on this side of the closed door of the balcony and Ah outside it.

I took him out for a drive yesterday and today. Hopefully tomorrow he should be starting school.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Birthday! 3 years old

The boy is 3 years old. The wife baked a nice cake and we decorated it with gems.  The boy blew out the candles as soon as they were lit.

Thankfully I had the day off. The IL's are here too.

The boy got a Majorette Remote Controlled Mater truck and books from his aunt. Super heavy truck! It has got a missile launcher in the front :-)

The battery ran out in 4 hours after which the boy banged the remote. Sigh. The aerial broke and we decided not put in any more batteries for now.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Hand-foot-and-mouth disease

"How dare you!?” Something new that the boy has picked up. We pick up his toys or move his books and he asks immediately. It is a new fad for him.

The boy is down with hand-foot-and-mouth disease. It started with a fever, which subsided. Talked to Dr S and he said it will take a week to be free of it. He suggested not sending him to school and not allowing him to play with other children. The appetite will be affected for some days and will be back to normal after that. The boy has got sores around his mouth, elbow and on his legs.

The boy started scratching and Dr S suggested rubbing Fucidin H twice a day.

We checked with the school and no other children has got it.