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Sunday, May 29, 2016

A much needed haircut

We were hoping that now Ah is back, all of us can go together. But Ah was not ready yet. So I took the boy to the hair dresser and then he developed cold feet. Cried and pulled away. I cajoled him and while he sat in my lap, the haircut started. This time he insisted on “cut cut” – scissors and no clipper. The cut hair falling on his face and neck irritated him. The clipper was used to clean up but he did not complain.

Road trip - Coonoor and Bandipur

The boy was well behaved and wanted to repeatedly listen to Lakdi Ki Kathi Kathi Pe Ghoda(a song from the film Masoom) and Sadda Dil Vi Tu (ABCD ). The wife and I were so tired of listening to the songs. The buggy at Kurumba Village Resort , Coonoor fascinated him and he waited for it to get a ride to the room. It was a steep walk up from the room to the restaurant. He wanted juice and cake with all his meals. Since it was a buffet he knew it was available.  Thankfully he did not waste food and whatever he did not like, was dropped in my plate. The monkeys in the resort scared him. He enjoyed playing table tennis (out of 10 times, he would have hit the ball once) and tried his hand at the pool table as well. The shrill whistle of the Nilgiri Mountain Railway scared him - we were in the compartment next to the engine which was pushing the train. Although we covered only 2 stations, Coonoor to Aravankadu, he wanted to get down immediately. The boy enjoyed the return journey as we were in a compartment away from the engine.

At The Windflower Resort & Spa Bandipur, the idea of safari in a jeep fascinated him and he would have mentioned it at least 50 times the previous day. “When are we going in the jeep?”, “I want to go in the jeep now!” When we went on the safari, he was able to identify the animals after sometime – deer, peacock, bison.

After we got back, Aa and Ah were back from their US vacation too and the boy was shy and thrilled to see them. He got a Lego block set and some new words he has picked up – “No ever ever!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

School tantrums

The  boy's summer camp continues but his mood on going depends on whether N (another 4 year old from the apartment) is on or not. The 2 days he did not turn up, the boy threw a tantrum and refused to go to school on one of the days.

Friday, May 13, 2016

New toy and screaming

The boy got a new toy yesterday. A red BMW whose door when opened,  the lights flash. He went to sleep with it next to the bed.

Last night he woke up screaming in the middle of the night. I moved him to the center of the bed as he was pushing the wife to the edge and the screaming started. Took a while to calm down. The key is not to talk to him and let him finish up.

He has learned to go up the slide and I read about this! Should we stop him?

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Behavior and ice cream

The boy’s screaming has become louder when he is angry. And he seems to have quite a temper. Most of the time he seems to be waiting to be ticked off and then starts crying for silly reasons. Sometimes it is very easy to get him off it - show him something new and he completely forgets about why he was upset in the first place.

We met some friends today for lunch at Fort Kochi and went to Häagen-Dazs for ice-cream. The boy and I ordered the same ice-cream (Summer Berries and Cream). I went out to take a call and when I was back, the boy started eating my ice cream after eating half of his!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Family wedding

We had a wedding in the family - after a long time. Needless to say the whole family had gathered. A memorable time.

The boy created a fuss to wear the new clothes. Mostly he stuck to me and was in a good mood. He insisted on drinking the bottled water instead of sipping water from his bottle. More saliva and food items went back into the bottle when compared to the water he drank. Most of the time, I ended up eating his leftovers. 

On the bright side, the boy can reach the water closet and can pee standing up now.