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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Mix of emotions

Last Thursday night Ah and Aa left for a month long holiday. The boy cried and refused to go up to their home and say good byes.

The boy has been spending a lot of time in the swimming pool, especially in the baby pool section. He even went under water once.

It was time to get him armbands - Intex Pool Kids Inflatable Armbands For kids aged 3-6 years

He also picked up this Monster Truck yesterday. Got up in the morning and this was the first thing he asked for.

The boy was excited with his next Flintobox set – it was all about painting and had a paint roller. A good way to distract him and keep him occupied.

Another tip to Hosur today, just me and the boy. He was a bit cranky as I woke him up sooner than he expected. Initially he threw a big fuss to eat lunch and didn’t want to. But after seeing my mother feeding the dogs, which distracted him, he calmed down and ate.

He has grown tall to the reach the lift buttons (just about manages to press the 0) and the calling bell. Back home and there was a birthday party in the community hall. He ate the cake, threw a tantrum when it was time for dinner.

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