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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Disturbed sleep

The last 2 nights have been bad with the boy getting up complaining of the pain in his leg. Most of it in his mind as after the complaining in the middle of the night, he wants to go Ah’s house.

As I was getting ready to go to work, today there was a twist in his rant - “I will go to office, you go to school”.”Don’t go to office, I will completely lose it.”

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Words from the boy

“I am so bored at home”. “Don’t go to office…Don’t come back to my home if you go to office!”. 

The boy twisted his feet while playing in Ah’s house. We took him to the general physician (as he refused to go to Dr S for the fear of injection) who suspected tissue damage. She gave a tonic. He walks with a slight limp.

Monday, March 21, 2016


We had the PTM on Saturday and the boy was all smiles and well behaved. He was beading the balls and carefully put them back after he was done. We finished in 10 minutes. All good.
Lunch was at Mama Mexicana. The place looks a bit dated. Service was decent. The boy didn’t seem to enjoy it. He had some Nachos and some French Fries. He was more interested in going up and down the escalator.

I took the boy to Hosur yesterday. He was chatting and asking questions on the way and did not sleep en-route. Ate well and after lunch he started getting impatient. We drove back home and the boy slept, reclining in the front passenger seat. After we got back home it was time to head to a birthday party of his classmate. The birthday boy was not keeping well and our boy refused to take part in the games and dance, preferring to stick to me or the wife. He got excited when another classmate dropped in and was playing with him.

The boy’s vacation starts today. Next Monday onward, his summer camp starts, which is 3 hours per day.

Friday, March 18, 2016


It is that phase of life when it is all about questions - Why? Why because? So? And? Where? Why so? Where?

“Whose bike is that?”
“The shopkeeper's”

“Where are you going?”
“My boss asked me to come”

“Can I help you make ball ball with the chapatis?”
“We are not making chapatis today”
“We are having oats for breakfast”

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Splash pool

Yesterday the boy had splash pool at school. Initially he was hesitant but then loved it. He was all bubbly and smiles when we went to pick him up.

Today he had rice with beans and pomegranate. Weird.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

I hate your boss!

Yesterday we dropped the boy at school on my motorcycle. He was super excited and sat in between us. After we picked him up, he refused to let me leave for work. Finally I had to tell him that just as he gets a star on his hand from his teacher at school for being a good boy, I have to go and get a star from my boss on my hand. He let me go.

In the night, when I was at work, he called me and asked me to come back home immediately (“come now!”). No need to get the star from my boss and that is he cross with my boss. Cried, the wife distracted him and he forgot about it.

Today after he was back from school, I saw putting on his slippers. I asked him about it and he said he is going to my office to meet my boss. “I will hit him ok!”

Saturday, March 5, 2016

New books

for the boy...

1) Peppa and the Big train
2) Georges New Dinosaur
3) Peppa Pig: Recycling Fun

He has also learnt to count backwards!