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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Dr love

The boy complained of stomach pain and started crying. It was not severe as he stopped crying when we distracted him. In the evening he went to Ah’s house to play and he completed forgot about it.

Ah had fever and was taking medicines. Touching Ah’s cheek the boy asked him, “You have headache?”. Today morning he told me “Ah ate marunnu”. Since Aa and Ah went to see the doc, he also insists that he is not well and want to see the doc (He does not like Dr S).

The boy has his school annual day coming up and he is practicing for the "Lungi Dance" song at school. His reactions are mixed. Sometime he shows us the dance steps and at other times his chanting starts - "I don’t want to dance. I don’t want to go to the school."

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