Flipkart Search

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


We met I, R and their daughter Ia in Social and boy was actually social till Ia decided to hold his hands. Ia is around the same age as the boy and she started pulling the boy’s hands. The boy withdrew, there was screaming and Ia was upset. And the statement by the boy "I don't like Ia. She is bad"

After goodbyes we went to Decathlon and bought  2 small sized football for the boy. He is always running after the footballs and the basketballs in the apartment. He wanted blue, we picked up a bright yellow and we bought both eventually.

Last evening the boy had an extended afternoon nap and refused to wake up. The moment we mentioned that we are putting up the Christmas Tree, he was up and ready. He was thrilled by the led lights on the tree and insisted on switching them on.

Today morning the boy invited me, “Come, we will play football in the hall”. He has a 2 week vacation starting today.

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