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Tuesday, December 22, 2015


We met I, R and their daughter Ia in Social and boy was actually social till Ia decided to hold his hands. Ia is around the same age as the boy and she started pulling the boy’s hands. The boy withdrew, there was screaming and Ia was upset. And the statement by the boy "I don't like Ia. She is bad"

After goodbyes we went to Decathlon and bought  2 small sized football for the boy. He is always running after the footballs and the basketballs in the apartment. He wanted blue, we picked up a bright yellow and we bought both eventually.

Last evening the boy had an extended afternoon nap and refused to wake up. The moment we mentioned that we are putting up the Christmas Tree, he was up and ready. He was thrilled by the led lights on the tree and insisted on switching them on.

Today morning the boy invited me, “Come, we will play football in the hall”. He has a 2 week vacation starting today.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Last night when it was time for the boy to come home from Ah house, following was the conversation.
The boy, hopefully - “Is anybody coming to Adhu’s house?”
The wife - “No”
The boy, desperately - “Somebody is coming to Adhu’s house?”
The wife - “No”
And the wailing started.

He recognized that I had a haircut and wanted one too. I was getting ready to go to work and he realized that - “Don’t go to office. Wait. I am coming after bath. Don’t go!” And I had to reluctantly slip out.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Kitchen time

The boy learnt to turn on the mixer-grinder on his own. The kitchen ledge is his favorite place. 
"Can I help you with making the chaia?"
"I sit"
As the water starts to boil, he sits on the ledge - “Bubbles coming, put powder”

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Outing and birthday party

It was a day of outing at Club Cabana. The boy enjoyed being in the water. Hogged the Puri for breakfast, ate a little bit of lunch and was so tired that he slept on me. He started getting cranky towards evening and we left.

Got home and he attended a birthday party in the apartment club house. Drank some Coca Cola (I was not happy about it) and ate a lot of junk food.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Shut up!

That is something new the boy picked up (I think from Aa) and uses a lot.

In the last one month there has been a spurt – in his activities and the words spoken. The boy is very active at home but in school, he is very shy. Every day, when we pick him up, the teacher asks him to walk. He walks half way (till he sees the tractor) and then insists on being carried - he clings to our legs.

We had the PTM today. The boy was very shy this time too and the teachers said he is generally obedient and good at school. He lost out on stars for one feature - listening to teachers. The teachers say that is because he is growing to being on his own now.

The Brush, Brush, Brush book has been delivered and it does help him with brushing his teeth. Dora's Puppys Big Surprise  and The Very Hungry Caterpillar are his favorite books.