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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Ah turns 6

The boy is not very enthusiastic about the park nowadays.  Yesterday he fell down from the tricycle as he reversed it down the slope and couldn’t control the speed. Grazed his elbow.

I took out the wife’s old mini piano today and he enjoyed pressing the keys. 
On the bright side, he insists on the potty seat when he wants to go and does not go in the diaper anymore. The boy talks a lot more now. And he is fine with brushing in the morning and in the evening.  We still have not been able to get him out of the bouncer. With the boy growing the bouncer sags and touches the floor when rocked hard.

Today was Ah's birthday party in the community hall. He has turned 6. A bad idea to give whistles to the boys. They were shrill. There were games and the boy had his fill of cake.

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