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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Getting ready

A new way to get the boy ready for school is by telling him that the wife and I are going to his school without him. “Noooo” and he runs to get ready.

His tantrum was so bad that the neighbor dropped in concerned on hearing the crying. He has loose motion and has started going potty in the diaper. Searched online and apparently they do regress. The teacher asked us to cut his nails today.

His recognition skills have improved. He points to fridge and says curd, koottan (curry). Just so that the boy does understand ice cream, we used to spell it word by word. Now he has caught on to that too and says “I” “C” “E” when he wants ice cream. He has learnt to say “Hi”, “Up”, “Down”, “Popko” (Popcorn)

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