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Friday, August 14, 2015

Bless you & gas

Bless you – When the boy sneezes or he hears anybody sneeze, he has learnt to say “Bless you”. And when he farts, he utters “gas”!

We got him a new potty seat - MeeMee Baby Cushion Potty Seat - with Handles. He is not comfortable sitting in the old one and has been going potty in the diaper.

The boy threw up last night in his sleep. The sheets, blanket, pillow covers had to be changed in the middle of the night. He refused to let us brush his teeth and his mouth reeked of the digested banana. He had a mild fever today and we did not send him to school.

His tantrums are increasing and he cries at the drop of a hat. After each crying session, he wants to sleep.  The bouncer is back now. It is hard to rock him to sleep and he repeatedly asks for the bouncer.

Earlier he was willing to let us change his diaper in the morning but refuses now. It takes a lot of cajoling, comparison with the other “good” children before he relents. Looks like the case of terrible 2’s.

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