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Monday, August 3, 2015

Adventures in the play area

The boy’s bump on the forehead has a color of light black. Another parent asked if we took him to the doctor. It is just a bump. Children at this age get this often. Unless it bleeds or the boy falls unconscious, I don't see the need to visit the doctor.

He understands horses and buffalo’s but grapples with the pronunciation. On Saturday I took him to the park and the boy started climbing the slide on his own. Once he reached the top, he stood leaving his hands free, which is scary to watch. I have to slow him down as he slides down with no control. He has learnt to push the swing, by lying on his chest on the seat and kicking off with his legs. Something new that he does now is running back and forth from one end of the living room to the other. 

The boy' version of a flower in the play area sand

The IL’s left today. The boy sensed it when they brought out the suitcases. He was about to break down when we distracted him and took him to the park.

On the bright side his answers to what “Mammm” (food) in school also includes paratha and  sauce rather than just dosa. He can identify food in his lunch box.

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