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Friday, August 7, 2015

1 to 100

The first thing the boy does after he wakes up is scream, “caaarry”. I have to lift him and bring him to the living room.  Whenever he is lazy to walk, it is the “caaarry” scream.

For the past 2 days he has been crying inconsolably for no reason at lunch time. Eventually he falls asleep.

The boy’s “No school” chant has come down. Today he walked through the gate smiling and waved bye to us. After school we went grocery shopping to Spar. The advantage of going on a Friday morning is that the place is nearly empty. We picked up the boy from school and he insisted on pushing the shopping cart, even though he could barely reach it's handle. His stay in its flip-up child seat lasted only till the toy section.

Ah made him say numbers from 1 to 100 today! It took him 20 minutes.

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