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Saturday, August 29, 2015


The boy has started beating and the wife received it first. We don't know where he learnt it.

Aa tied a rakhi and he sat quietly because he got  2 chocolates. Unlike last time, the moment she tied it and the chocolates were in his hands he removed  the rakhi. 

The boy threw a major tantrum on Saturday night. It was a movie night at Aa, Ah's house. They were tired and went to sleep but the boy was supremely active and wanted toys. We said no after a point and he started wailing. Took him home and he took a long time to sleep.

Instead of "come" he says “tumm”.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

3 stars

The boy got 3 starts for Oral Assessment in Shapes!

He refused to wear mundu for Onam and threw a tantrum for wearing the pyjamas. Eventually he wore a pant after telling him that it is Ah's and reluctantly wore a kurta with it. 

He has learnt new words - Cayon (crayon), paisha (paisa - money).

For Raksha Bandhan,  the boy was tied a rakhi at school. It did last till he got home.

Saturday, August 22, 2015


We went to the playschool for the PTM. The boy was feeling very shy sitting with us in front of his teachers. The teachers said he was good in social and emotional skills. For us parents, they encouraged us to talk to him more in grown up language and not the baby language. The teacher also taught him to say "water" when he is thirsty instead of “mmmmu mmmu mmmmu”. 

Later we went to cast our vote in the local corporation elections. The boy was fascinated by the fish tank in the school (our voting center) and squatted beside it. On our way back we bought him a rain coat. And once home he was walking around in the wife's shoes!

For dinner, we headed to California Burrito. The boy did not eat much as he was attracted to the juice and finished it without eating anything else. No other option but to go to McDonald, where the boy ate French Fries - some food in his stomach.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

In my shoes :-)

The boy was walking around in my shoes today. Although it was difficult and hard to walk in such big shoes, he persisted with it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Getting ready

A new way to get the boy ready for school is by telling him that the wife and I are going to his school without him. “Noooo” and he runs to get ready.

His tantrum was so bad that the neighbor dropped in concerned on hearing the crying. He has loose motion and has started going potty in the diaper. Searched online and apparently they do regress. The teacher asked us to cut his nails today.

His recognition skills have improved. He points to fridge and says curd, koottan (curry). Just so that the boy does understand ice cream, we used to spell it word by word. Now he has caught on to that too and says “I” “C” “E” when he wants ice cream. He has learnt to say “Hi”, “Up”, “Down”, “Popko” (Popcorn)

Friday, August 14, 2015

Bless you & gas

Bless you – When the boy sneezes or he hears anybody sneeze, he has learnt to say “Bless you”. And when he farts, he utters “gas”!

We got him a new potty seat - MeeMee Baby Cushion Potty Seat - with Handles. He is not comfortable sitting in the old one and has been going potty in the diaper.

The boy threw up last night in his sleep. The sheets, blanket, pillow covers had to be changed in the middle of the night. He refused to let us brush his teeth and his mouth reeked of the digested banana. He had a mild fever today and we did not send him to school.

His tantrums are increasing and he cries at the drop of a hat. After each crying session, he wants to sleep.  The bouncer is back now. It is hard to rock him to sleep and he repeatedly asks for the bouncer.

Earlier he was willing to let us change his diaper in the morning but refuses now. It takes a lot of cajoling, comparison with the other “good” children before he relents. Looks like the case of terrible 2’s.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Fancy dress

Yesterday the boy threw a big tantrum when we brought him back from Aa/Ah’s home. He cried and went to sleep hungry. 

Today he had a fancy dress competition in school. The boy dressed up as Bhagat Singh. We bought a white shirt, a belt and a hat. I made a gun prop last night. It took me over an hour and I loved it. I cannot remember the last time made a DIY like this. 

We got an eye liner from B and drew a mustache. The boy refused to wear the belt. Lesson learnt – loop the belt though the pant before putting it on.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Vaccination shots

A the Nanny has been off for the past 4 days. On one day she called to inform. Rest of the days, nothing from her.

It was time for the boy’s vaccination shots. We reached Dr S’s place, he recognized it and the crying started right there. I stood outside with him. And when his turn came, he desperately wanted to leave. He didn’t even let Dr S examine him. 2 shots on his thigh - Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine and Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV13) and we were done. Once in the car he was back to normal. We got home, gave him a Caterpillar book and he was thrilled. He can pronounce Butterfly, not very clearly though.

In the evening, took him to the play area and  he has learnt to hang from the backside of the slide ladder.

Friday, August 7, 2015

1 to 100

The first thing the boy does after he wakes up is scream, “caaarry”. I have to lift him and bring him to the living room.  Whenever he is lazy to walk, it is the “caaarry” scream.

For the past 2 days he has been crying inconsolably for no reason at lunch time. Eventually he falls asleep.

The boy’s “No school” chant has come down. Today he walked through the gate smiling and waved bye to us. After school we went grocery shopping to Spar. The advantage of going on a Friday morning is that the place is nearly empty. We picked up the boy from school and he insisted on pushing the shopping cart, even though he could barely reach it's handle. His stay in its flip-up child seat lasted only till the toy section.

Ah made him say numbers from 1 to 100 today! It took him 20 minutes.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Fancy dress

We went out for lunch to Fasoos today. The boy ate a large portion of Chapati Chole wrap and the Chocolate Lava ice cream. He has a fancy dress completion next week. We have to come up with an Indian freedom fighter by this weekend. Which is a challenge as he does not like anything on his head - cap, turban.

And the boy got 3 stars in the Pet Animals Oral Assessment.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Adventures in the play area

The boy’s bump on the forehead has a color of light black. Another parent asked if we took him to the doctor. It is just a bump. Children at this age get this often. Unless it bleeds or the boy falls unconscious, I don't see the need to visit the doctor.

He understands horses and buffalo’s but grapples with the pronunciation. On Saturday I took him to the park and the boy started climbing the slide on his own. Once he reached the top, he stood leaving his hands free, which is scary to watch. I have to slow him down as he slides down with no control. He has learnt to push the swing, by lying on his chest on the seat and kicking off with his legs. Something new that he does now is running back and forth from one end of the living room to the other. 

The boy' version of a flower in the play area sand

The IL’s left today. The boy sensed it when they brought out the suitcases. He was about to break down when we distracted him and took him to the park.

On the bright side his answers to what “Mammm” (food) in school also includes paratha and  sauce rather than just dosa. He can identify food in his lunch box.