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Monday, July 20, 2015

Metro ride and distraction

Yesterday, we took the boy for his next ride in the Metro to visit the MG Road boulevard. This time around, he knows what a train is and was excited to see it pull into the station. He sat in it patiently, gawking at everything around him and wanted to ride the escalator more than once. 

MG Road boulevard has 2 levels. The lower level, which is at road level, has a play area, art galleries, open stalls, fountains, open displays , an auditorium and a eatery. The upper level, which is primarily for walking also features the upper floor of the eatery. The boy spent time in the play area, ate a cup cake from the stall and had a good time running around.

On the way back, we went for dinner to Cafe Thulp with IL’s. The boy created a ruckus because he wanted to eat with knife and fork. He drank water melon juice and polished off the French fries.

Distraction works big time for the boy to get him to do things. If we tell him that it is time to brush his teeth, the retort is “Noooo”. But if we tell him that we are going to use his tooth brush and use the new tooth paste, he runs to the bathroom and is ready by the wash basin to brush his teeth. 
The same approach works for school. When we bring out the school uniform, it is a vehement “No school, no school!”. But if we tell him that we are going to wear his uniform and go to school, he is ready to be dressed and go to school.

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