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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Haircut time

The boy pushes the tricycle, his legs don’t reach the pedals and uses the storage basket in it to put his toys.

It was the time for a haircut and he usually screams his guts out. This time too, Ah came along. The boy sensed it and started his rant – “no cutting, no cutting”. The boy saw Ah getting a haircut and sat down quietly in my lap. Out came the clipper and it was done in 7 minutes. The only irritant for him was the hair falling on his face and neck. No crying at all!

He has started adding “m” at the end of the words when he addresses us. “Amma” has become “Ammam”. On counting down from 1 to 10, he refuses to say 5 and 7.

Dinner was at BYLI and the boy ate pita bread and rice.

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