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Friday, July 31, 2015

Enfagrow and the equation with Ah

We have started on Enfagrow A+ Nutritional Milk Powder (2 years and above) for the boy.

The boy had Friendship day at school today. He had a take a fruit for his friend. We don’t know to whom he gave his Apple but he got 2 fruits in return.

His equation with Ah is strange. In his house, the boy does not play with the toys that Ah asks him not to, even when he is not around. And once he is done playing, he puts all the toys back and informs Ah's mother B and asks for the next set of toys. Nothing of that sort in our house. When we ask him to put the toys back after playing, most of the time his retort is "No". Ah patiently puts up with him most of the time and at other times, he gets a wack on his head. 

The boy was running with Ah, when he tripped, feel and bumped his forehead. He cried, with "no ice no ice" in between.

In the oral assessment on Water Animals, the boy got 2 stars.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Tractor love and bouncer

On the walk back from school, the boy saw a tractor with building material being unloaded on the road and refused to budge! He kept staring at it. I had to lift him and carry him.

The boy is becoming big for the bouncer but he insists on sleeping in it. So today we removed the bouncer seat pad and put it to wash hoping that he will start using the bed for his afternoon nap. It did work. Occasionally he will step into the empty frame of the bouncer and shake it but no longer asks for it. Now to put it away.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

No school

The boy banged his head yesterday. The wife was playing with him using a sheet, he tripped and feel hitting his forehead. Cried and during the day he reminded himself about it and cried again. He didn’t sleep well last night and insisted on sleeping in the bouncer at 5 am. Needless to say, he got up late and did not go to school today.

In the oral assessment on Farm Animals the boy got 2 stars. Hmm...his performance is slipping. Time for tuition's ;-)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Favorite animals

The boy had to tell the names of his favorite animals in a chart today. We got a photo of him on the stage, pointing to the chart. It is a pity we don't get to see a video of it.

My knowledge of nursery rhymes have improved thanks to the boy and the wife.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Metro ride and distraction

Yesterday, we took the boy for his next ride in the Metro to visit the MG Road boulevard. This time around, he knows what a train is and was excited to see it pull into the station. He sat in it patiently, gawking at everything around him and wanted to ride the escalator more than once. 

MG Road boulevard has 2 levels. The lower level, which is at road level, has a play area, art galleries, open stalls, fountains, open displays , an auditorium and a eatery. The upper level, which is primarily for walking also features the upper floor of the eatery. The boy spent time in the play area, ate a cup cake from the stall and had a good time running around.

On the way back, we went for dinner to Cafe Thulp with IL’s. The boy created a ruckus because he wanted to eat with knife and fork. He drank water melon juice and polished off the French fries.

Distraction works big time for the boy to get him to do things. If we tell him that it is time to brush his teeth, the retort is “Noooo”. But if we tell him that we are going to use his tooth brush and use the new tooth paste, he runs to the bathroom and is ready by the wash basin to brush his teeth. 
The same approach works for school. When we bring out the school uniform, it is a vehement “No school, no school!”. But if we tell him that we are going to wear his uniform and go to school, he is ready to be dressed and go to school.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Collage competition. Already!

Over the past 2-3 days the boy has not got into the bath tub. His brushing skills have improved and he has developed a fascination for sticks, that is used for drumming.

He enjoys sitting on my shoulder when we go and come back from school. When the wife and I reach there at 11, I peer through the gates and see the boy slowly coming out of the door anxious and seeking. And the smile and relief on his face when he sees us gives me so much joy. 

The boy came first in the Collage Work for the Playgroup morning section! They are just 2 years old.

He also got 3 stars in the Wild Animals oral assessment conducted on Tuesday.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Settling in at school?

It has been over a month now since the boy started school and looks like he is settling in. No crying today and he willingly walked through the school gate.

The wife – “What did you do in school today?”
The boy – “Mammm” (Ate food)
The wife – “What did you eat?”
The boy – “Two dosha” (It might be pasta or bread or chapatti but the answer is always 2 dosas)
The wife – “How many stars did you get?”
The boy looking at his hand – “None” (and if there are stars  the answer is “Two” irrespective of the number he got)
The wife – “What rhyme did you learn today?”
The boy with a wide smile – “Baa baa back” (Baa Baa Black Sheep rhyme)

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Haircut time

The boy pushes the tricycle, his legs don’t reach the pedals and uses the storage basket in it to put his toys.

It was the time for a haircut and he usually screams his guts out. This time too, Ah came along. The boy sensed it and started his rant – “no cutting, no cutting”. The boy saw Ah getting a haircut and sat down quietly in my lap. Out came the clipper and it was done in 7 minutes. The only irritant for him was the hair falling on his face and neck. No crying at all!

He has started adding “m” at the end of the words when he addresses us. “Amma” has become “Ammam”. On counting down from 1 to 10, he refuses to say 5 and 7.

Dinner was at BYLI and the boy ate pita bread and rice.

Friday, July 10, 2015

School and crying

The last 2 days have seen a major shift in the boy settling down.  He cried only when he reached the gate unlike the other days. The boy did say “no skool” all the way.

No crying today! I guess this is the first time after joining school. He willingly walked through the school gate. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


I was able to carry the boy to school today. My back is good now.

Today was assessment for the boy on Meet my Family. He had to tell his name, his parents name and sibling names (if any). He got 3 stars!

The crying to get to school continues. Just when we think things are set, along comes Friday and the crying starts again from Monday.

We had ordered new dining chairs and the boy told B that when he went up to her house. He pointed to the chair in her house and started screaming “chairs”. That is when the A the Nanny told B that new chairs have been delivered.

Monday, July 6, 2015

2 years old!

I still remember the feeling when I touched his tiny fingers after he was born

And now the boy understands birthday and cake. At school, the teachers, children sang and wished him.

At home, he had his favorite yellow bus birthday cake, ordered from French Loaf, and managed to blow the candles! He was not happy when we cut it though.

We had a quiet ceremony at home and the boy was thrilled with so many people, especially Aa, Ah and their cousins Aa and Ag. B and A, whom he calls Mama and Dada, gave him a tricycle. He got a big red musical bus. I had to tape the speakers as they were loud. Thank god that my back is back to normal.

Birthday party & full house

On Saturday we had Aa’s birthday party in the apartment clubhouse. The boy had his cake and chips and was busy cleaning the floor. 

Yesterday we went to visit my parents and my brother's family. The boy got along well with his children – 15 month old Av and 7 year old Sa. Sa is a big fan of Frozen and she came back with us to stay over. The IL’s have dropped in too. 

Friday, July 3, 2015

Back spasm

I am down with a bad case of back spasm. The boy runs to me asking me to lift him and play with him. It is frustrating to know I can’t. For 3 days, the wife had to drop him and pick him up from school. Thank god for her and that it is not a slip disc.

The boy has started brushing his teeth on his own. Standing on an inverted bucket, he can reach the wash basin. Spitting is a challenge though as he gulps down the paste and water!

The boy wanted sauce the first thing today morning. We gave it to him along with the methi chapatti and as usual, he licked only the sauce.