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Sunday, May 31, 2015

TV and meal

And the boy had a meal sitting in front of TV. I couldn't prevent it.

I hope this is only a one off scenario and that he understands the respect to be given to food. 

An interesting link

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Chinese for a change

On the way back from Fortis, we went for lunch to Beyond China. Tucked away from the main road, good ambience and very friendly staff. They also had a high chair for the boy.

He loved the Crispy Vegetables tossed in Sweet Chilly Plum. Seeing us eat with forks, he wanted to but was unsuccessful. Ended up eating up with his hands, including the rice, which a lot of it spilled on the tray and the baby seat. 

Friday, May 29, 2015

Thank you

One of the older boys carried him, tripped over a stone and both fell. Luckily, the boy hit only the side of his face and not the head. Small bruise but he cried for a long time.

He has learned to say thangu! (Thank you)

Thursday, May 28, 2015

MIL story

The MIL was sitting on the Diwan when the boy gently started edging her out.

MIL turned to the boy “If you continue like this, I will go away”

The boy quietly went to the door, picked up MIL’s slippers, put it next to her and waved her bye :-)

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

No wake-up night

The boy slept through the whole night without waking up for milk! First time. He has learnt “up” and “down”.

He kept saying poo poo even though his diaper was clean. Put him on the potty seat and after sometime he did go! On his way to being potty trained.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Lifts and Shoes

We had to make a visit to Fortis Hospital yesterday. The wife’s uncle was admitted and since he wanted to see her, we had to take the boy along. He was thrilled with the lifts, went up and down it, walked all over the cafeteria and wanted to eat what others were having. As he result he ended up eating portions of bagel, corn sandwich, ice cream and drinking juice.

The boy has learnt that he has to wear shoes if he wants to go outside.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Vacuum cleaner

The vacuum cleaner intrigued him, especially the blower. The boy helped me switch it on and off and insisted that I continue to use if even after I was done with the cleaning.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Playschool visits

We checked out a playschool today. The boy started crying as soon as he entered it. 

The timing is from 830 am to 1130 am and the school is roughly 5 km away from home. They require the children to be potty trained and prescribe a school uniform. The fees for 2 quarters covered my engineering degree fees for 1 year. They have a van that transports the children from the school to the play area in the adjacent lane.

He has not even turned 2! I feel I am sending him to jail.

The boy has learnt to say no no no with vigorous shaking of head. It rained and he had a wonderful time running in puddles of water.

Monday, May 18, 2015

The Art angle

The boy drew on the wall with crayons. The day I was dreading! 

Before the wife could stop him, he quickly ran to the wall and left his imprint.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

High on Coffee

Last evening we went shopping / dinner to Phoenix Marketcity. Gave the boy a couple of spoons of filter coffee from Kalmane and he was super high till midnight!

He said “Bus” – the whole word. He prefers to eat things which he can pick with his hand. Any dish with paneer curry, he goes straight for the paneer. Started saying "poo poo" after going potty.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Mosquitoes and words

Nightfall and we have mosquitoes swarming around and the boy claps his hands in an attempt to kill it. Of course, he gets nowhere close.

The words are slowly forming - chocolate is coktish, raisins is kikish , oats is oatsh and bubbles is bubbish.

He loves playing cricket with his red little plastic bat and each time he hits the bill, it is a sixer for him (shown with his both palms open) which is a sign for us to clap. When lying down, if I asked to move up a bit he knows to how to wriggle and nudge himself up. When he pees he goes “muu”. Now to get him to stage where he says it before peeing rather than before.

During bath, he walks into the bath tub and walks out by himself. He is very touchy about washing his hair and it is a 2 person job.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

New sandals and BYLI

The boy’s shoes were getting tight for him and the insides were torn. We got him a pair of bright red crocs - look alike sandals. The boy pointed it out to himself when we went to shop. Tried them on and he wanted it.

For dinner we went to  BYLI. I loved the ambience, the staff were friendly and treated the boy well.The boy wanted to eat on his own and he did eat. Some portions of Spinach Artichoke & Cream Cheese Dip, Vegetable Veracruzana and Bonded S&M Sisters. I had to compete with him for my dessert of Chocolate Mousse. As a bonus, he got a bowl of Cadbury's Gems from the staff.

Friday, May 8, 2015


The boy has started calling people by their names and makes a big fuss when Ah or Aa leaves after coming home. Many a time we have to distract him by taking him into the other room while these two sneak out. When the boy goes to their house, he refuses to leave. He eats well in their house but not in ours. It has to do with Aa and Ah eating with him.

I called the wife today and the boy came on line. First thing he said is my name! Ask him questions on drinking milk, playing, eating and he replies affirmatively or in broken sentences. 

He has learnt to swing by himself on the outdoor swing.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Family wedding

Road trip to Chennai to attend a family wedding. 

For the first time we let the boy sleep in the back seat of the car while the wife sat in the front. Once the boy woke up, she moved to the back seat. He also learnt to get off the bed after waking up and walk to the living room. 

Chennai was hot and his appetite went for a toss. Imagine a yummy Kerala wedding meal at Hotel Ashoka and what does he eat? 2 pieces of papad.  He wanted to be carried and be near the musicians  who played the nadaswaram. The wedding reception was at Taj Club House. I loved the live vegetarian counter. The boy did not eat much but finished the ice cream.

The boy missed the park, Ah, Aa, kept chanting their names, their parents and their grandparents. 

We got back last night.