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Monday, April 27, 2015

The Nanny returns

A the Nanny is back. The boy is taking time adjusting to her. He was whining throughout the day. 

Gone are the day when the boy used to eat a lot of vegetables. He is becoming very choosy. On Saturday we went to meet our parents. The boy did not eat much.

We attended a birthday party of one of the children in the apartment yesterday. The boy was thrilled playing with balloons and running along with the boys. 

For dinner we went to this wonderful place called Aioli BBQ & Grill Smoke House
They claim to be the only restaurant in India dedicated to the Indian Armed Forces. The cuisine was Mediterranean Fusion. We found the service very quick. The pita bread was soft, tasty and went well with the hummus. The boy ate most of the pita bread and loved it. The Love Valley mocktail was very sugary. The place was empty and we had a lovely time. 

He fell off the bed today morning in his sleep. I lifted him, felt him all over, he was ok. Rocked him and he went back to sleep. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

No news

A the Nanny came and met the wife, next day after her call. We told her that she has to be in at 930 am, leaves have to be informed in advance, except in case of emergency, and she could leave at 530 pm. She replied she will call the next day and confirm.

We have not heard from her yet.

The IL’s left yesterday. The boy stopped crying only when he went upstairs to Aa’s house. Last night he didn't eat much and had to be rocked twice to sleep in the middle of the night. 
Today  morning he got up and started asking for the grandparents. He slipped on a paper lying on the ground, hit his nose and bled slightly. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A surprise call

Weekend was bad for the boy. He got up crying in the nights and we had to rock him to sleep. On Saturday he fell in the play area and hit his forehead against a sharp ledge and had a minor cut. It swelled up immediately and we had a tough time putting ice on it as the boy wouldn't let us. The swelling is gone and the cut is healing.

Out of the blue, A the Nanny called the wife today. She wanted to know if she can have her job back. She was asked to come in tomorrow and discuss. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Thursday, April 16, 2015

2 crying sessions

Something seems to have upset the boy’s schedule. 

He got up crying and after some rocking went to sleep around 130. Woke up again, this time he wanted milk and continued crying! Usually drinking milk is a sign that he will sleep immediately. But no. This time we had to put bouncer on the bed between us and he slept in that.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Nanny problems

R the Nanny has been off for 3 days in a row. 
First day her daughter was sick but she didn't have our numbers to call up and inform. Next day she came home with her sick daughter to get the number. I have all the respect for her and her daughter but I wouldn't want my sick child to go near another child, just in case he/she gets sick. R had no such qualms and her daughter was all over the place, around the boy. Not good.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Crying in the night

Today morning the boy cried nonstop from 12 am to 115 am. Wanted to go to the paaark and asked for Didi (Ah). We rocked, carried him, he did not stop.

Tired finally, he slept.

Sleep, truly is a luxury for me.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Hepatitis B injection

At Dr S clinic, a mother and her daughter were in line behind us. I had stepped outside as the boy stared getting uncomfortable when he heard a baby crying. He wanted to walk far away. When the family inside came out, this mother shamelessly walked inside along with her daughter without even asking us.

What is her daughter going to learn? That it is OK to cut lines, not follow rules?

When it was our turn, the boy started crying when he saw Dr S. He calmed down when he felt the stethoscope on him. We then got up, and the boy realized we had not walked out. He turned to look at Dr S, who was preparing the injection and started crying hysterically. He knew what was coming. Stopped crying when we walked out after the injection. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Of adjusting and other things

The IL’s are here and the boy has finally learnt to call his grandmother in his native language.

There has been a spurt in the boy’s walking in the past 2 weeks. He takes an effort to walk and has stopped crawling. He does throw the occasional tantrum to be carried. The boy has also begun to warm up to R. We were worried that he would not adjust to her.

I was wrong. Children adjust and learn way faster than anybody else.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


R the Nanny started out yesterday. 

On the first day the boy had issues adjusting to her. She had to take him down to the basement car park (we forbid that) to quiet him down. 

I like her attitude of no clutter! Walked into my home last night and all the things were in their place. The kitchen was spic-and-span.

Sunday, April 5, 2015


A two night trip with 5 adults and 5 children to Yercaud.  We left home on Friday morning and took the 4 lane via Hosur, Krishangiri, Dharmapuri and Salem. Nice roads, we spent agonizing time crossing Hosur because of the road laying work and truck traffic at the RTO check-post. Sedate driving takes 4 hours from Bangalore to Yercaud.

The GRT Nature Trails Sky Rocca is a lovely place (the restaurant service in the evenings is slow). The night view of Salem town from the viewing gallery was splendid. We spent the time playing, talking and in the swimming pool (which was cold despite the sunny weather). The boy had a great time and was excited sitting in the trampoline while the other children jumped on it. He even tried his hand at cricket.

A very good break.