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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wedding and a road trip

No fever since Thursday and we decided to go ahead with our road trip to Kerala on Friday to attend a wedding in the family. 
The night in Ernakulam was hard on the boy. It was hot and no air-conditioning. The next day we got a room with air conditioning. There was a pre-wedding party and the boy ate only ice cream. He slept well thanks to the cool room. 
On Sunday, he slept during most of the wedding ceremony, ate a few bites for lunch and dinner. 
He constantly yearned for the park and kept chanting Didi, Mo, Thatha (Aa, Ah and their grandfather) to himself, atleast twice in a day with a forlorn face. Refused to walk and wanted to be carried all the time. After staying with relatives in Trichur, we cut short our visit and got back to Bangalore last night.

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