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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Mobile, Bubbles and new shoes

The boy is getting hooked to the mobile phone, he loves swiping it. Since the wife plays the music on it, whenever he wants to listen, he points to it, puts his left hand above his head and shakes his body, moving to imaginary music.

We bought a new pair of shoes for the boy from the local baby store. This one has stronger sidewalls and does not flex. He is showing an increasing tendency to walk.

He loves bubbles in the bath tub! Bought a bottle of Chicco No Tears Bath Foam and he is loving it.

And his vocabulary? “Ma” is for water (don’t ask me why!) “Ba” stands for Books, Ball – depends on what he sees. Anything big on the road that moves is “Bus” for him. "Bubba" is bubbles.

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