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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Monday, February 23, 2015

Broom, shaving

The moment I say photo he smiles and blinks his eyes as if the flash is in his face.

We bought a new broom and the boy took to it instantly, insisting on sweeping the floor.

And he wants to experience the electric razor, when he seems me shaving. Starts rubbing his cheeks and is extremely thrilled once I run the electric razor (switched off and the cover put on) on his cheeks.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Long day

It was a long day with the boy. 

The wife left at 445 am for the SBI Pinkathon Bengaluru 2015. She opted for the 5 km walk.The boy woke up suddenly at 5 am, did not find the wife nearby and started wailing. I carried him, consoled and eventually rocked him to sleep.  
Once he was up, after the routine milk drinking session, took him out for a walk. Post lunch while the boy slept the wife went for her pottery class. This time around to boy wanted to be out on the road, so took the pram out. He did not want to come inside. It took a lot of coaxing to get the pram back in the apartment.

Monday, February 16, 2015


The wife was not well and I worked from home. A the Nanny was supremely late. 
The boy hit his face against the sharp edge of the cupboard, cut his inner lip and bled. Thankfully we were able to calm him down. His bruised and inflamed lip was a sorry sight.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Pickle love

For lunch, we gave him a pinch of mango pickle along with rice and he wanted more. 

He wanted more of only the mango pickle. 

While the boy slept, the wife went for her pottery class and the sweet couple AA stayed to give company. We watched the India Vs Pakistan World Cup Cricket match, took a walk outside and after they left, the wife got home after nearly 3 hours of class. She was super starved and off we went to Paranthas and Dosas for dinner where she gulped down the food and the boy decided to spread curd all over his legs and the table.

On the bright side, the boy has finally started calling the wife "Ma" instead of the earlier "Da"

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine’s Day

A the Nanny bunked again. 

We decided to head out for lunch. Picked a place called Hanoi in Phoenix Market City, Whitefield. The mall had a lot of couples walking around starry eyed with the lady holding flowers J (Isn’t every day a Valentine’s Day?) While we waited for the food, the boy wanted to be out so I walked with him. We started off with the Nem Cuon – Vietnamese Rice Paper Rolls. I felt they were dry. The boy loved the Vietnamese Jasmine Rice with Thit hoac rau xao trong nuoc me chua – Vietnamese Tamarind Gravy (how does one spell it?) and we were not done until he finished the elaborate ritual of spilling rice all over him and on the seat. The dessert was a bit of a letdown - Che Thai – Vietnamese tropical fruit sweet – I could taste coconut and jack fruit. The boy did not like the taste. Reminded me of a Falooda when I saw it in the menu and ordered. The wife refused to taste it.

So we headed to KrispyCreme for dessert. I was surprised to find Filter Coffee on their menu. Once that we went to Hamleys and the boy wanted to lay his hands on all the toys at the ground level. We managed to save the staff the trouble of cleaning up and exited.

Monday, February 9, 2015


The IL’s left today and the home has gone quiet. For the boy, the feeling has not sunk in yet

Sunday, February 8, 2015


A family get-together - good food and merry company. I love them!
The boy loved the tortilla chips, ate a portion of the lunch and slept. The wife’s pottery classes at Clay Station started and I took this opportunity to drop her at the bus stop and get back before he woke up. Later we went to pick her up and one more family visit. 
Dinner was at Pathankot, the boy insisted on eating the rice on his own. It was a supreme mess! Back home, parked my car in the basement and the battery conked! 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Another sleepless night

The boy woke up hungry and sleepy at 12 am, there was a delay in preparing the Nan Pro4 which irritated him and the crying did not stop. 
He refused the Nan Pro4 initially and after crying for a long time, drank it. It didn’t end there, he refused to sleep, was cranky and crying. I rocked him, the wife rocked him, no luck. 
Finally we put the bouncer on the bed and the boy feel asleep around 3 am.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Mobile, Bubbles and new shoes

The boy is getting hooked to the mobile phone, he loves swiping it. Since the wife plays the music on it, whenever he wants to listen, he points to it, puts his left hand above his head and shakes his body, moving to imaginary music.

We bought a new pair of shoes for the boy from the local baby store. This one has stronger sidewalls and does not flex. He is showing an increasing tendency to walk.

He loves bubbles in the bath tub! Bought a bottle of Chicco No Tears Bath Foam and he is loving it.

And his vocabulary? “Ma” is for water (don’t ask me why!) “Ba” stands for Books, Ball – depends on what he sees. Anything big on the road that moves is “Bus” for him. "Bubba" is bubbles.