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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Chicken Pox and DTP

After the boy completed 18 months, it was time for Chicken Pox and DTP(Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) shots at Dr S’s clinic today. 

The Dr was busy and the boy was very cheerful compared to the children who were in the clinic. Some of them looked tired, were coughing, running a fever and crying. It was a painful sight. 

We sat in front of Dr S and the boy was wary. When Dr S placed his stethoscope, he started crying. And when Dr S moved to examining his legs, his screams got louder.  It culminated when he got the shots - one on each thigh.

We took him out and as an incentive (I hope no parents do this!), the wife sat in the front seat of the car with the boy on the lap. He was thrilled to see the controls up close, and wanted to keep his hand on the gearshift lever. 

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