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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Another night

Another night of continuous crying. I don’t know what was bothering the boy last night.

I hope it has nothing to do with the Polio drops he got earlier in the day. 

The wife rocks him, he wants to come to me. Once on my shoulder he wants to go back to being rocked by the wife. Listening to music, he suddenly gets up crying and points to the dark living room. I switch on the dim lights and he points to the kitchen, still crying. We move to the kitchen. Finally points back to the bedroom. The wife has to sit up and continue rocking him. Wakes up again and asks for biscuits.  All this at 1 am. Water, more biscuits, some more crying and finally he falls asleep. 

A 1 hour saga.

On the bright side he is religiously drinking milk every morning. More words like “Starr” and “Papad” are in his vocabulary.  The Walker has made him lazy, he does not have to take the effort to walk move. It is also something to check with Dr S as he is not placing his feet flatly on the ground when standing / led around.

The IL's are here! A the Nanny bunked again yesterday. No phone calls, no reason given.

Update - I was dismantling the Walker when the seat stud broke. Whoever is buying this, please ask the store to show you a demo of how to remove the seat.

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