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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Chicken Pox and DTP

After the boy completed 18 months, it was time for Chicken Pox and DTP(Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) shots at Dr S’s clinic today. 

The Dr was busy and the boy was very cheerful compared to the children who were in the clinic. Some of them looked tired, were coughing, running a fever and crying. It was a painful sight. 

We sat in front of Dr S and the boy was wary. When Dr S placed his stethoscope, he started crying. And when Dr S moved to examining his legs, his screams got louder.  It culminated when he got the shots - one on each thigh.

We took him out and as an incentive (I hope no parents do this!), the wife sat in the front seat of the car with the boy on the lap. He was thrilled to see the controls up close, and wanted to keep his hand on the gearshift lever. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Nestle Nan Pro4

We started on Nestle Nan Pro4 for the boy last night when he wakes up crying, hungry. It is easy to prepare compared to regular milk and I guess more nutritious.  Very easy to prepare – add warm water to 2 scoops of powder in the feeding bottle, shake well and serve.

Breastfeeding has been stopped for now.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Get on, get down!

And the boy has learnt to get on the sofa and get down on his own today.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Eating out

One of the things that we hoped was to eat out once in a while with the boy obliging and staying happy.  We have been fairly successful so far but off late, he has been getting cranky as the time progressed. He was cranky earlier but then we were able to snap him out of it if we diverted his attention. 

Last night, at I and Monkey we were at our wit’s end. Gave the boy a pen and paper, took him outside to look at the vehicles, helped him walk, he had a talk at the bar counter and then our luck ran out. He wouldn't stop crying and he was sleepy. But he wouldn't sleep. We had no other option but to leave.

Two minutes into the drive, he was fast asleep. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Another night

Another night of continuous crying. I don’t know what was bothering the boy last night.

I hope it has nothing to do with the Polio drops he got earlier in the day. 

The wife rocks him, he wants to come to me. Once on my shoulder he wants to go back to being rocked by the wife. Listening to music, he suddenly gets up crying and points to the dark living room. I switch on the dim lights and he points to the kitchen, still crying. We move to the kitchen. Finally points back to the bedroom. The wife has to sit up and continue rocking him. Wakes up again and asks for biscuits.  All this at 1 am. Water, more biscuits, some more crying and finally he falls asleep. 

A 1 hour saga.

On the bright side he is religiously drinking milk every morning. More words like “Starr” and “Papad” are in his vocabulary.  The Walker has made him lazy, he does not have to take the effort to walk move. It is also something to check with Dr S as he is not placing his feet flatly on the ground when standing / led around.

The IL's are here! A the Nanny bunked again yesterday. No phone calls, no reason given.

Update - I was dismantling the Walker when the seat stud broke. Whoever is buying this, please ask the store to show you a demo of how to remove the seat.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Body love!

So the boy goes to the wife pointing to his right wrist, frowning, and goes “Aah aaah”, in imaginary pain. The wife rubs his wrist, cajoles him, and gives him kisses. 
Encouraged, he then points to the other wrist and goes “Aah aaah aaah”.  The wife does the same with the other wrist. He then points to his left leg, then his right leg till most of his body is covered :-)

Monday, January 12, 2015


Last night, the boy took a pair of earphones for the first time and promptly plugged into his ear!

I fed him a few bits of the rich plum cake. The boy loved it. He saw me pack it and put it in the refrigerator. Today morning for breakfast, he started pointing to the refrigerator and when I opened it, he pointed to the cake and went “Cakaa!”

Art Blend Cafe

Dinner at Art Blend Cafe last night. Very child friendly although the service was a bit on the slower side. Earlier in the day he cried non-stop for one and a half hours when we refused to feed him papad without eating the rice. During dinner he had small portions of Lemondate, Samosas, Pasta, French Fries, chocolate ice cream and there was a long crying session again in the night.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Back to the grind

Back home and to the normal routine.

The wife’s first day at home after she completely quit her job. I feel a pang of guilt that she took this step. Although she said the work was draining her, if not for the boy, she could be doing something else.

The boy saw B today after a week and initially went hyper. All of a sudden he became very shy and did not talk to her. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year!

Last night the boy was so cranky that we had to take him out for a drive and let him fall asleep

For New Year’s, we checked into the Radisson Blu Resort Temple Bay at Mamallapuram. A lovely resort by the beach.

The boy loved the beach! His first time. Standing in the water, playing in the sand and he refused to come out of the swimming pool.


He insisted on eating on his own and breakfast - mostly hash browns and idli. 

His aversion towards rice continues. During the New Year eve party amidst the noise of music and the screaming DJ, he slept.