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Monday, December 15, 2014

Metro ride and a birthday party

Last Saturday the boy went on his second Bangalore Metro ride to buy a birthday gift at TOYS N TOYS, Indira Nagar. He was curious and wide eyed. The huge station, the arriving train, and as we sat inside and the door closed he wanted to be taken outside. Once the train started moving, he stood on the seat and looked outside through the large glass window.

The birthday party was at 630 in the community hall. The children were running around screaming and when each of them were given a pipe, the noise levels increased. The boy ate pop-corn and munched on the Smiles. Once he saw a bunch of them, he wanted a new one after each bite. Put him down on the floor and he set about wiping it clean. The boy ate mostly junk and not much of it with the result that he ate 2 dosas for dinner and wanted more.

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