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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Food and football

The boy has learnt to pour the water from the feeding bottle into its cap and drink from it. We mostly let him eat on his own – seat him on the dining table with the plate in front of him. It is a mess with the food on him, around the plate and even in his shirt pocket. He can eat with both his hands but is so scared of biting his own finger that he puts the food deep in his mouth and immediately takes out his finger.

So we were in my wife’s cousin’s home last night watching the final of ISL and sipping Captain Morgan when the boy took a fancy to the glass and the color of its contents. I kept the glass away but his pestering increased. Eventually I caved in and gave him the last sip and he wanted more. Gave him one more drop and he wanted more. That night he got up only once for the feed! Good smooth stuff.

Surprisingly repeated what Ah and Aa’s father said – “You go”. It came in a flash.

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